The Linear Workflow Design

With efficiency as one of our main objectives, we like to regularly evaluate our workflow and see if there are areas where we can improve. Because of this, we've made changes along the way, some that turned out well and others that presented challenges. But what we've found through our years of discovery is that a linear workflow design works best for our farm for several reasons, and maybe it will work best for you too. 

A linear workflow design is a step-by-step process, moving from one step to the next without going backward, crossing over, or branching off. We move into each section of our operation at a time, making it possible for us to have multiple cycles in different phases going concurrently. Our first cycle will start as clones in the spring, move into the vegetative state, then out to the light-deprivation greenhouses to flower in the summer. When the summer cycle is underway, we begin taking the second round of clones, moving them through the same process to become our fall harvest cycle. During the months of cultivation, there is pruning at specific weeks, smart spraying in others, and pest scouting scheduled for particular times. Regardless of the cycle's start date, the same procedure is followed every time, giving us consistent results and an organized operation. After cultivation is complete, another step-by-step process takes place. We harvest the plants, allow them to dry and cure, then process them as they enter the trimming queue on a first-in-first-out basis (unless otherwise agreed upon with one of our preferred clients). 

We feel this style of operation offers us many benefits that promote our farm's success. For one, it reduces project risk. When we're not trying to do too much at once, we decrease the possibility of overlooking important aspects of our cultivation process. Wrapping our arms around each section of the workflow gives our full attention to the task at hand. The linear workflow design clearly defines responsibilities, ensuring everyone on the team knows what needs to be done each step of the way. This workflow method also improves our project timeline estimates, allowing us to clearly see what is still on the to-do list. By using past results and data, we can estimate with greater accuracy when we will have finished products available for our clients and partners. We increase our visibility and transparency as well, giving our clients an inside look at our operations and granting them the opportunity to follow us through each step of the cultivation and harvest procedures. 

When it comes time to evaluate our operations each year, this design enables us to focus on strategy and efficiency. Where did we find we fell behind schedule? When did we move quicker than we anticipated? Which cultivars presented challenges within our model? We can individually take a look at each step and identify where we could make improvements. This clearly defined workflow method supports our ability to backtrack if we ever find ourselves needing to determine where a problem lies, and provides an audit trail for internal operational efficiency and compliance. 

Could partnering with Giving Tree Farms be the right move for your business? We work with brands, distributors, and processors, providing them with outstanding bulk craft cannabis. Right now, we are planning our cultivar selection, and you could have a say in what's on our menu this year. Custom cultivation could solve marketing efficiency hurdles for your brand and maintain consistency within your products. Reach out to us today and we can discover if a partnership with Giving Tree Farms is the right move for your success. With the Hive Mendocino cannabis cooperative behind us, we have a network of Simply Clean certified farmers ready to support your brand's aspirations for this year.