The Importance of Terpenes

When you walk through the ripening fields of a cannabis farm, there's no mistaking the distinct scent of sappy goodness that resembles a fruit cocktail or an herbal pine forest. These aromas come from terpenes, and the cannabis plant is far from the only plant that has them. Lavender, lemons, rosemary, and pine trees all have an abundance of terpenes too, and they happen to be the same terpenes you can find in certain cannabis strains. But why do plants produce terpenes? And how do they affect our experiences when we consume them? 

Terpenes are aromatic oils that the plant naturally produces, and for cannabis, terpenes are excreted from the same glands that produce cannabinoids. Through evolution, terpenes were created as a way for the plants to ward off herbivores that might otherwise eat them, as well as to attract helpful predators and pollinators. For cannabis consumers, terpenes give each cannabis flower its unique smell and flavor, and science says terpenes may play a role in the experience we have when we consume those fragrant nugs as well. This is due to the entourage effect, which refers to the synergy between cannabinoids and terpenes and how they produce physical and psychological effects unique to each varying combination. 

Terpenes are the main ingredient in essential oils, so it's no wonder we find anxiety relief or an uplifted mood from certain cannabis strains. Aromatherapy has been used for ages for pain, digestion, immunity, and more, and the better we understand each terpene's usage, the better we can choose the correct strain for us. Let's take a look at five of the most common terpenes found in cannabis and what benefits you could expect from each. But remember, everyone's body is different, and if you are using cannabis for medical purposes, you should consult with your doctor first.

1. Myrcene

Also found in mangos, hops, and lemongrass, Myrcene has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, offers pain relief and sedation, and shows muscle-relaxing capabilities. The flavor is reported to be earthy, or even a bit spicy, with sweet undertones. 

2. Linalool

This floral terpene is also found in lavender and birch bark. It can offer anxiety and pain relief, sedation, and anti-seizure and anti-microbial properties. Studies show that Linalool may also serve as a treatment option for Alzheimer's disease. This terpene is so abundantly found in our world outside of cannabis that it's estimated we consume 2 grams of Linalool each year in our food alone. 

3. Pinene

As you may have guessed from the name, you can find this terpene in pine needles. It can also be found in herbs like rosemary and basil, and it's the most common terpene in the natural world. Pinene may offer memory-aiding properties, assist with inflammation and pain, as well as curb anxiety and help open breathing pathways

4. Limonene

Another commonly abundant in nature, this terpene is found in the rinds of citrus fruits, like oranges, limes, and lemons. It is so concentrated in orange peels that approximately 97 percent of the rind's essential oils are limonene. Limonene can help lift the mood and drown out anxiety, and has even shown anti-acne and anti-cancer properties. 

5. Caryophyllene

As the only terpene currently known to act on the endocannabinoid system (ECS), caryophyllene is believed to help with pain and inflammation. Some studies show caryophyllene may help with inflammatory bowel disease and could act as a treatment for alcohol addiction. This terpene is also found in black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, and oregano, giving a pungent, spicy, and funky aroma to cannabis strains that contain it. 

At Giving Tree Farms, we focus on cultivating not only the best craft cannabis on the market but also a diverse and abundant terpene profile. All of our R&D tests include a terpene analysis, so if you're looking for something in particular or just want to know what our terpene profiles look like, please fill out a Wholesale Account Form, and we'll send you a list of the available cultivars on our menu that match what you're looking for. We know there's more to a cannabis consumer's experience than just the THC content, and we understand that some consumers are seeking out the perfect strain for their body's unique wants and needs. We hope to provide our clients with outstanding products that sport varying terpene profiles so they can support their customers in finding the cultivar that best fits their lifestyle.