When you walk through the ripening fields of a cannabis farm, there's no mistaking the distinct scent of sappy goodness that resembles a fruit cocktail or an herbal pine forest. These aromas come from terpenes, and the cannabis plant is far from the only plant that has them. Lavender, lemons, rosemary, and pine trees all have an abundance of terpenes too, and they happen to be the same terpenes you can find in certain cannabis strains. But why do plants produce terpenes? And how do they affect our experiences when we consume them?
Understanding the Endocannabinoid System
Cannabis has a unique relationship with our human anatomy due to the cannabinoids it delivers when consumed. Our bodies naturally produce endocannabinoids, a molecule similar to cannabinoids, that keep our bodily functions operating appropriately. These molecules interact with our endocannabinoid system (ECS), a series of receptors found throughout the body.
What is "Fresh Frozen" Cannabis and Why Is It So Popular?
The fresh-frozen buzz is growing in popularity among cannabis consumers as the demand for high-potency extracts soars. What once was an outlandish concept is now considered standard for a portion of a cultivator's crop, some farmers choosing to freeze the crop entirety. As we move forward with the evolution of the industry, our techniques and practices evolve as well, aiming to match our end goal with our customer's desires. While we will always cultivate under our organic and sustainable standard, we have added new traditions to our harvest procedure, offering both fresh-frozen products and air-cured flowers to our clients.